Groundwater Communication Portal Preview
The Groundwater Communication Portal (Portal) at was previewed by the consulting team. The Portal will be the online communication hub for public participation in the GSP development process, including reviewing and submitting public comments on GSP chapters/sections.
The best way to stay apprised of project news and opportunities to participate and engage is to register on the Portal as an “interested party.” Once registered, you will receive email updates regarding upcoming opportunities to participate in GSC meetings, workshops and/or to provide public comments on draft documents. All draft chapters/sections of the GSP and other informational materials will be posted to the Portal. Interested parties can provide their input to the document, and all comments will also be posted for viewing.
Communication and Engagement Plan Draft
SGMA requires GSAs to develop a Communication and Engagement Plan (C&E Plan) outlining how they will consider the diverse perspectives of affected stakeholders and groundwater users in the GSP development process. The consulting team presented a draft C&E Plan and explained how public GSC meetings, workshops, and the Portal will be used to engage interested parties. The C&E Plan is now available for comment on the Portal. The comment period will close on August 31, 2019.
Integrated Groundwater/Surface Water Flow Model
The consulting team evaluated and considered four integrated groundwater-surface water flow models based on a set of selection criteria and selected the United States Geological Survey’s GSFLOW as the most appropriate flow model for the SLO Basin. A model is a tool that can be used to estimate how potential changes in climate, projects, and/or management actions may impact the basin’s surface water and groundwater conditions.