Workshop Logistics
We are committed to the safety and health of our community across all aspects of our stakeholder engagement experience. We will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation and modify the schedule below to ensure your safety and your continued opportunity to provide valuable input into the development of the SLO Basin Groundwater Sustainability Plan. This includes moving some workshops to webinar format, and using virtual meeting technology where possible.
To keep you informed as workshop details change and to keep our virtual meeting platforms secure, registration is for all virtual workshops is required.
If you have any questions about the workshops below, please contact Michael Cruikshank, Water Systems Consulting at mcruikshank@wsc-inc.com.

August 14, 2019
Workshop #1: Groundwater and SGMA 101
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The first stakeholder workshop provided participants with an overview of the SGMA in easy-to-understand terms, including an overview of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) and why sustainable management of the SLO Basin has been made a State priority. Presenters described what groundwater is and will show the current state of the SLO Basin’s groundwater levels and conditions. Expect an accessible presentation that will give a solid grounding in the policy, the region’s approach to developing a GSP, and how the plan may affect you.
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June 10, 2020 • 3:30pm-5:00pm
Workshop #2: Groundwater Management Vision
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In this virtual workshop, attendees participated in an interactive exercise to set the vision for what a “sustainable SLO Basin” means. To inform the exercise, the project team grounded attendees in the key takeaways of the Basin Setting work completed to date, which helps predict future groundwater demand and describes the unique makeup and challenges associated with groundwater management in the SLO Basin. They also described the role of the Water Budget and the Surface/Groundwater Model in meeting the requirements of SGMA.
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October 1, 2020 • 3pm-5pm • Zoom Meetings
Workshop #3: Sustainable Goal Setting
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Watch Workshop Recording, Part 1
Watch Workshop Recording, Part 2
Comment on the Presentation Slides and Sustainability Goal Options
In this virtual workshop, stakeholders had the opportunity to review several draft options for thee basin sustainability goals and corresponding monitoring network for the SLO Basin, developed from earlier stakeholder input. Participants engaged in discussions to further refine the sustainability goals and monitoring network.
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Date TBD • Details coming soon
Workshop #4: Projects and Management Actions
In this educational and interactive workshop, stakeholder perceptions will be collected to inform the preliminary set of projects and management actions to reach sustainability in the SLO Basin. The project team will start by relaying key decisions, including the GSA’s recommendations for representative wells, monitoring network, sustainable management criteria minimum thresholds and measurable objectives, and the sustainable yield goal. They’ll also introduce how the GSP implementation plan will allow for optimum flexibility, including check-ins every five years to adjust the plan direction. Finally, they’ll introduce a framework of categories for projects and management actions to show how different types of actions will affect groundwater sustainability, while helping participants understanding the cost, benefits, and impact of different types of management actions. In the last half of the workshop, participants will break into small groups to directly inform the preliminary set of projects and management actions that will be used to achieve sustainability in the SLO Basin.
Details coming soon