Workshop Covered SGMA and Groundwater 101
The City and County of San Luis Obispo would like to thank the more than 40 stakeholders who attended the first public workshop on August 14, 2019, entitled "SGMA and Groundwater 101." Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) workshops provide an important method for stakeholders to learn about and inform the development of the SLO Basin Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP). The workshop was co-presented by hydrogeologists Michael Cruikshank of WSC and David O'Rourke of GEI, and it was facilitated by Tiffany Meyer of WSC.
During the two-hour workshop, presenters from the GSP consultant team provided an educational program that was well received by attendees. Topics included:
• Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) requirements and key deadlines
• Principles of groundwater flows and the data considered to assess the groundwater conditions of the Basin
• The time scale difference of how surface water flows compare to groundwater
• Current groundwater data gaps within the SLO Basin
• A snapshot of the current groundwater levels within the SLO Basin
• Details on how stakeholders can actively participate in the development of the SLO Basin GSP