Due to COVID-19, the June GSC Meeting was moved to July 8, 2020. At this meeting, the project team provided several updates to the GSC.
First, the project team gave a summary of GSP Chapter 6, Water Budget, which provides an accounting and assessment of the total annual volume of groundwater and surface water entering and leaving the SLO Basin for historical and current conditions. The water budgets for historical and current conditions are developed using an analytical approach. Chapter 6 estimates the preliminary sustainable yield and overdraft for future conditions under climate change and other proposed management actions for the Basin. A projected water budget will be included in this chapter at a later date utilizing the integrated computer flow model.
The GSC recommended that Chapter 6 be received by the GSA and released for public comment. The comment period opened on July 8, 2020 and closes September 30, 2020. View Chapter 6 and submitted comments
The project team also shared the key takeaways from the June 10, 2020 stakeholder workshop: Groundwater Management Vision. The draft workshop summary was shared, which captures all stakeholder input collected within the workshop, and translates it into a set of 5 Guiding Principles to inform the SLO Basin GSP. The GSC provided feedback on the 5 Guiding Principles that will be incorporated into the final document. The draft Stakeholder Workshop Summary — Groundwater Management Vision was opened for public comment on July 1, 2020 and closed August 15, 2020. View the workshop summary
Finally, the project team gave a preview of the next set of GSP development actions and stakeholder engagement activities related to Step 3: Set Sustainability Goals. The 5 Guiding Principles described above will be used to create a draft basin wide sustainability goal. This draft goal, along with a draft of preliminary monitoring network, will be presented at the next GSC Meeting on September 9, 2020.
The October 1, 2020 stakeholder workshop, Sustainable Goal Setting will give stakeholders the opportunity to further inform the sustainability goals and monitoring network within an interactive format. Learn more about the workshop or register here